To ensure the best quality products for our patients, First Choice Animal Care are only approving prescriptions through our Online Pharmacy. The only exception will be for controlled substances and/or any prescription diets that are not available through our online pharmacy. A written prescription can be requested for your pet that must be picked up at the clinic. It will take 5-7 business days to process after the prescription is approved. Our online pharmacy has proper drug storage and distribution, manufacturer support in the off chance an untoward reaction occurs, and manufacturer rebates not available through outside pharmacies. These are the primary drivers for the use of our online pharmacy. The pricing and shipping levels are the same, if not better, than other outside pharmacies you may have used in the past. Please be aware that all prescription items cannot be returned per FDA regulation (CPG Section 460.300).

If you wish to order from other online pharmacies, please call our office and a written prescription will be available for you to pick up at the front desk.

Please allow for 48 to 72 hours for all written prescriptions to be filles.

As a reminder, a valid doctor-client-patient relationship needs to be established and maintained with a yearly exam on file before any prescription can be processed and approved. Our staff at First Choice Animal Care is happy to help you with setting up an account on our online pharmacy or walk you through the ordering process. Please reach out if you have any questions.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the office at (207) 893-8134.